Public Proceedings

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Q: What is a public proceeding?

A: The term "public proceeding" means "the transactions of any functions affecting any or all citizens of the State" by the Maine Legislature and its committees and subcommittees; any board or commission of a state agency or authority including the University of Maine and the Maine Community College System; any board, commission, agency or authority of any county, municipality, school district or any regional or other political or administrative subdivision; the full membership meetings of any association, the membership of which is comprised exclusively of counties, municipalities, school districts, other political or administrative subdivisions, or their boards, commissions, agencies or authorities; and any advisory organization established, authorized or organized by law, resolve or executive order.1 M.R.S. § 402 (2)

Q: What does the law require with regard to public proceedings?

A: The FOAA requires all public proceedings to be open to the public and any person must be permitted to attend. 1 M.R.S. § 403

Q: When does a meeting or gathering of members of a public body or agency require public notice?

A: Public notice is required of all public proceedings if the proceedings are a meeting of a body or agency consisting of 3 or more persons. 1 M.R.S. § 406

Q: What kind of notice of public proceedings does the Freedom of Access Act require?

A: Public notice must be given in ample time to allow public attendance and must be disseminated in a manner reasonably calculated to notify the general public in the jurisdiction served by the body or agency. 1 M.R.S. § 406

Q: Can a public body or agency hold an emergency meeting?

A: Yes. Public notice of an emergency meeting must be provided to local representatives of the media, whenever practicable. The notice must include the time and location of the meeting and be provided by the same or faster means used to notify the members of the public body or agency conducting the public proceeding. 1 M.R.S. § 406 The requirements that the meeting be open to the public, that any person be permitted to attend and that records or minutes of the meeting be made and open for public inspection still apply. 1 M.R.S. § 403

Q: Can public bodies or agencies hold a closed-door discussion?

A: Yes. Public bodies or agencies are permitted, subject to certain procedural conditions, to hold closed "executive sessions" on specified subjects after a public recorded vote of 3/5 of the members present and voting. 1 M.R.S. § 405(1)-(5)

Q: Can the body or agency conduct all of its business during an executive session?

A: Generally, no. The content of deliberations during executive sessions is restricted to the matters listed in the FOAA, such as the following: discussions regarding the suspension or expulsion of a student; certain employment actions; the acquisition, use or disposition of public property; consultations between a body and its attorney concerning its legal rights and responsibilities or pending litigation; and discussion of documents that are confidential by statute. In addition, any governmental body or agency subject to the FOAA is prohibited from giving final approval to any ordinances, orders, rules, resolutions, regulations, contracts, appointments or other official action in an executive session. 1 M.R.S. § 405(2), (6)

Q: What if I believe a public body or agency conducted improper business during an executive session?

A: Upon learning of any such action, any person may appeal to any Superior Court in the State. If the court determines the body or agency acted illegally, the action that was taken by the body or agency will be declared to be null and void and the officials responsible will be subject to the penalties provided in the Act. 1 M.R.S. § 409(2)

Q: Can members of a body communicate with one another by e-mail outside of a public proceeding?

A: The law does not prohibit communications outside of public proceedings between members of a public body unless those communications are used to defeat the purposes of the FOAA. 1. M.RS. § 401

E-mail or other communication among a quorum of the members of a body that is used as a substitute for deliberations or decisions which should properly take place at a public meeting may likely be considered a "meeting" in violation of the statutory requirements for open meetings and public notice. "Public proceedings" are defined in part as "the transactions of any functions affecting any or all citizens of the State…" 1 M.R.S. § 402 The underlying purpose of the FOAA is that public proceedings be conducted openly and that deliberations and actions be taken openly; clandestine meetings should not be used to defeat the purpose of the law. 1 M.R.S. § 401 Public proceedings must be conducted in public and any person must be permitted to attend and observe the body's proceeding although executive sessions are permitted under certain circumstances.1 M.R.S. § 403 In addition, public notice must be given for a public proceeding if the proceeding is a meeting of a body or agency consisting of 3 or more persons. 1 M.R.S. § 406

Members of a body should refrain from the use of e-mail as a substitute for deliberating or deciding substantive matters properly confined to public proceedings. E-mail is permissible to communicate with other members about non-substantive matters such as scheduling meetings, developing agendas and disseminating information and reports.

Even when sent or received using a member's personal computer or e-mail account, e-mail may be considered a public record if it contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business unless the information is designated as confidential or excepted from the definition of a public record. 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) As a result, members of a body should be aware that all e-mails and e-mail attachments relating to the member's participation are likely public records subject to public inspection under the FOAA.

Q: Can I record a public proceeding?

A: Yes. The FOAA allows individuals to make written, taped or filmed records of a public proceeding, or to broadcast the proceedings live, provided the action does not interfere with the orderly conduct of the proceedings. The body or agency holding the proceeding can make reasonable rules or regulations to govern these activities so long as the rules or regulations do not defeat the purpose of the FOAA. 1 M.R.S. § 404

Q: Do members of the public have a right to speak at public meetings under the Freedom of Access Act?

A: The FOAA does not require that an opportunity for public participation be provided at open meetings, although many public bodies or agencies choose to permit public participation. In those instances, the public body or agency can adopt reasonable rules to ensure meetings are conducted in a fair and orderly manner. For example, the body or agency can set a rule that requires the same amount of time be afforded to each person that wants to speak.

Q: Is a public body or agency required to make a record of a public proceeding?

A: Unless otherwise provided by law, a record of each public proceeding for which notice is required must be made within a reasonable period of time. At a minimum, the record must include the date, time and place of the meeting; the presence or absence of each member of the body holding the meeting; and all motions or votes taken, by individual member if there is a roll call.

The FOAA also requires that public bodies and agencies make a written record of every decision that involves the conditional approval or denial of an application, license, certificate or permit, and every decision that involves the dismissal or refusal to renew the contract of any public official, employee or appointee. 1 M.R.S. § 407(1), (2)

If the public proceeding is an "adjudicatory proceeding" as defined in the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, the agency is required to compile a record that complies with statutory specifications, including a recording in a form susceptible of transcription. 5 M.R.S. § 8002(1)5 M.R.S. § 9059

Q: Is the agency or body required to make the record or minutes of a public proceeding available to the public?

A: Yes. Any legally required record or minutes of a public proceeding must be made promptly and shall be open to public inspection. In addition, every agency is required to make a written record of any decision that involves conditional approval or denial of any application, license, certificate or other type of permit and to make those decisions publicly available, 1 M.R.S. § 403 4075 M.R.S. § 9059 (3)

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